
This poem was inspired by a photo I liked. Read it aloud boldly, my dear friend.
Celestial orbs silently circle and spin,
Earth sails with denizens of dark and light,
That awaken as night begins to thin,
Eases its grip as the horizon grows bright.
You stir from sleep and listen to the dawn,
It tugs you outdoors for its cool embrace,
You are peaceful in the monochrome calm,
Gladly alone in solitude’s space.
It feels like the world is there just for you,
Yet, aware you’re nothing in its vastness,
Tiger and deer, hawk and lark, leaf and dew,
All partners still in the dimming darkness.
As the reddening sun pierces the sky,
Brushing colour on the grey world boldly,
You breathe the clear, cool air and gaze up high,
With your mind calm, your soul open humbly.
Day’s first light has a brevity perfect,
Meditate, run, walk, and rejuvenate,
It’s the best time to think, create, and reflect,
Or simply relax and regenerate.
Dawn’s nature’s daily gift of wonder,
Its inspiration never becomes passe,
It’s on us to partake and not squander,
How will we unfold its treasure today?
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