The Quality of Small Things

To care is the sign of civilisation

Books on Quality
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I get such pleasure, an upswell of respect, a feeling of connection with kindred souls, a renewal of faith in humanity when I see:

  • Perfect grouting between tiles
  • Signs at just the right places, saying just the right things
  • Sloped roads with clear water drains
  • Grammatical writing
  • Turning circles at the end of cul-de-sacs
  • Impeccable road markings
  • Litter-free streets
  • Elegant libraries
  • Nicely printed and bound books
  • Neatly tucked beds
  • Well dressed people
  • Properly pressed clothes
  • Shined shoes
  • Lined-up shoes
  • Large, beautiful parks in the middle of cities
  • Japanese gardens
  • A lovely teapot
  • Oiled hinges
  • Windows that shut perfectly
  • Car doors shut, not slammed
  • Squeaky clean places
  • Squeaky clean people
  • Pedestrians getting right of way
  • Bathrooms with separated wet and dry areas
  • Perfect scenes in great movies
  • Lovely turns of phrase in books
  • Intricate melodies that speak to us
  • Mail and calls answered promptly
  • Books returned punctually
  • Strangers exchanging smiles
  • Foreign names spelt and pronounced correctly
  • Friends knowing our little traits
  • Gadgets designed just right
  • Thoughtfulness and care in every corner of a country

When I see quality in small things — That’s when I regain faith in humankind. That’s when I renew my pledge to have the right attitude and do the right things.

That’s when I shout out silently to the civilised souls who have gone before: ‘Hello gentle friends. Don’t fret. I get it. I feel what you felt. I am with you. I’ll do the same, and more. I won’t let you down.’

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