These are some bumper stickers slogans that flashed in my mind on encountering the animals who pass for drivers on our roads 🙂
- Proud to be Indian, proud to follow traffic rules!
- Licence to drive is a privilege, not a right!
- The road is there to share man
- You are not the perfect driver nor immortal!
- Who gave you a licence?!
- Driving a car does not make you Iron Man
- NO there is no justification for breaking the rule you just did
- Driving a Beast or Beast Driving?
- In India we drive on the Left!
- Follow the rules, you will feel good for longer
- You were a pedestrian once
- Footpaths are for _____? No? Really don’t know?!
- Being Human is – Waiting for the signal to turn green!
- Honking is not a Traffic Rule
- You do not have to obey every truck that says ‘Horn Please’
- Nice person except when driving?
- It is an auto-mobile, not a battle tank!
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