On Dodging the Bullets of Anger and Fear (a poem)

Part of your Wisdom Portfolio

Image composed by the author in Canva Pro subscription

(Please recite aloud slow as you can with the cadence —

di-dum di-dum di-dum di-dum di-dum.)

Dodging the Bullets of Anger and Fear

Whenever I see my rage arise afar,
I show it out my mind’s door ajar.
I am for sure aware a lot lately,
I think, reflect, and meditate; you see.

I know what triggers my anger so well,
I elude it quickly, prevent its spell.
Whenever I unstrain, it makes me calm,
A healthy life and workouts are a balm.

From anger, I will turn my gaze to fear,
It far too often throws my mind off gear.
For worry, I query how much is real,
It helps dispel the imagined ordeal.

The straighter the path of life I do tread,
The easier it is to nix most dread.
It’s thus I make myself more fit each day,
To keep pesky anger and fear at bay.

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