A poem

My regular readers know I don’t usually write free verse, but it felt most natural for something so close to my heart.
I hope you’ll read it unhurriedly aloud, even if it’s a murmur like the subject.
Life falls from the sky,
In gentle, soothing drops,
It feels like salvation.
Like curtains on the beach,
Columns in the mountains,
Cavalcades on the plains.
I tilt up my closed eyes,
Receive you with open arms,
Peace envelopes me.
Rivulets on windowpanes,
Naughty drenches by shelter trees,
Beads on tips of umbrella spines.
Moisturised cool breezes,
Rejuvenating scent of grateful earth,
Gurgles of a million hurrying streams.
Rain, ancient miracle,
Unwitting creator of life,
Destined to last long after us.
Come, bathe the air, green the earth,
Make me alive once more,
Before I dissolve back into you.
Connect with me!
hello from me