Start Living Better Today! Essential Quotes from The Philosophy of Life Instinct

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Are you searching for answers? Are you feeling down? Are you agitated? Do you need a spark?

You’ll find solutions and inspiration in these popular lines from The Philosophy of Life Instinct. Consider each one, then click the picture to read the corresponding chapter of the book.


Part I The Metaphysics

Chapter 1 The Metaphysical Context
Chapter 2 What if it all Just Is
Chapter 3 The Nature of Time
Chapter 4 Life and the Life Instinct
Chapter 5 Thought, Language and Intelligence
Chapter 6 Free Will
Chapter 7 Science and the Life Instinct

Part II The Philosophy

Chapter 8 The Study of Humanity
Chapter 9 The Power of Our Intellect
Chapter 10 God
Chapter 11 Religion
Chapter 12 Spirituality
Chapter 13 Emotions
Chapter 14 Love and Friendship
Chapter 15 Marriage and Family
Chapter 16 Learning and Education
Chapter 17 Work and Ambition
Chapter 18 Sports and Games
Chapter 19 Migration
Chapter 20 Government
Chapter 21 Art
Chapter 22 Quality
Chapter 23 Morality
Chapter 24 Ethics
Chapter 25 Happiness

Part III The Future

Chapter 26 Imperfections of the Life Instinct
Chapter 27 Future Evolution
Chapter 28 How to Live
Chapter 29 Summation


Get the complete philosophy behind these insights from my book, ‘Philosophy of Life Instinct’. It will transform you. Available from eCommerce booksellers worldwide. India and US links are below.



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